Salam and very good Afternoon to all readers, hopefully u all in the bless condition....
Started from yesterday until tomorrow (25-27 June 2011), Aquaculture Department UPM conducted a Scientific Writing Workshop. This workshop is very important, gave opportunity to postgraduate students to produced scientific papers to be send to International Journal. At the end of the day, at least every person will send a paper to be submitted. This workshop sponsored by our department and conducted by Dr. S. M. Nurul Amin. Fee for this process will be free and the papers also edited by our lecturers before submitted. After a month submitted, the papers confirm publish into one of the international Journals such as Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (Impact factor: 0.869) and Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.
Inside, Outside lecturers and Students |
Research Dean Deputy (Prof. Dr. Aziz Arshad) |
Speech by our Head Department (Dr. Salleh Kamaruddin) |
Research paper format described by Dr. S.M. Nurul Amin |
International and local students struggle and concentrate to finish their papers...Gambate Kudasai.. :) |
My Paper ready to be review and submit |
Some format which need to follow before submitted |
Hopefully my 5th paper will be accept and publish.... InsyaAllah
sure will, don't worry k.. :)